Antonio Acosta: Los orígenes de la burguesía de El Salvador. 55 International Congress of Americanist. San Salvador (El Salvador)

05/07/2015 16:25

55 International Congress of Americanist. Presentarion of the book by Antonio Acosta

Presentation of the Salvadoran edition of the book by Antonio Acosta: Los orígenes de la burguesía de El Salvador. El control sobre el café y el Estado. 1848-1890 (Aconcagua Libros, 2013).

The event is scheduled for Tuesday July 14 within the activities planned in the 55 International Congress of Americanists held in San Salvador between 12 and 17 July.

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July 14, 4 pm.

Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UPF).
Salón 06, Primer Nivel del Edificio E
San Salvador (El Salvador)