Activismo Académico en la causa saharaui. Nuevas perspectivas críticas en Derecho, Política y Arte

16/10/2014 11:12

Rocío Medina Martín y Ramón Luis Soriano Díaz (eds.)

Activismo Académico en la causa saharaui. Nuevas perspectivas críticas en Derecho, Política y Arte. 

2014. Perfect Paperback, 352 pages. 16 x 22 cm. 

ISBN: 978-84-942792-1-8. Price: 15 €


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We present a collective work product of the rich tradition of pro-Sahrawi social and political activism in Spain. We speak from experience resistance of the Saharawi people, which persists for more than 40 years.

The contents presented this work would not be possible without new generations of Sahrawis and members of pro-Sahrawi movement. They continue reinventing today, from the horizon of the Global Social Justice, the struggle for the defense of another possible future for the "sons of the clouds."

Over the years, the cause of the Saharawi people have turned to claim strategies and nonviolent resistance, internationally recognized as examples of struggle for human rights. The main weapons of the Saharawi people are cultural identity, which requires recognition, and his decision to demand the right of self-determination of their country
