Ramón Soriano y Pilar Cruz (eds.): Alianza de civilizaciones, políticas migratorias y educación

14/09/2014 12:37

Ramón Luis Soriano Díaz y Pilar Cruz Zúñiga (eds.) 

Alianza de civilizaciones, políticas migratorias y educación

2014. Perfect Paperback, 238 pages; 22 x 16 cm. ISBN: 978-84-942792-0-1, Price: 15 €

To see Index (Spanish) VER ÍNDICE


The chapters of this collective volume approached from different perspectives, some of the current issues in our societies: Alliance of Civilizations, multiculturalism, education, immigration policies, educational social intervention and methodologies to improve educational coexistence.

The first part of the book discusses general issues. In five articles develops a critique of hegemonic character of Modern Western Thought from Edward Said, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Walter Mignolo. The second part of the volume relates immigration, intercultural practices, and educational methodologies. The theoretical approach and its application are combined, and attempts from a practical level, improvements in the teaching-learning process.
